- Introduction
- What are ‘transaction and screen variants’?
- Behavior of F-58 & FBZ4 ‘Payment with Printout’
- Business Scenario
- Solution & system configuration
- User Handling/Testing
- Conclusion
- Introduction
In almost every project there is a need to restrict access to a certain set of T -Codes for a certain group of users or specific roles are assigned with specific authorization to a group of users and this is all achieved by involving Basis colleagues.
Similarly, a business might have a requirement to hide or display some fields or make some fields required on a certain screen or simply a requirement to change a standard screen layout. Where, enhancements or user exit solutions are implemented to meet such requirements.
Most of the clients face issues of using a standard program displaying unnecessary standard fields on the user entry screen which are not required by a business or some standard fields should be hidden or only certain fields should be displayed or a certain field should be made required for a certain group of end-users.
SAP offers functionalities of ‘transaction variant’ &‘screen variant’ which can be used by functional consultant without involving Basis colleagues to adjust the layout of a standard screen depending on the need of a business.
- What are ‘transaction and screen variants’?
Transaction variant can consist of multiple screen variants and every screen variant has fields to control as per the need. Transaction variant is assigned to a certain transaction.
Transaction variant functionality allows the consultants to do the following:
- Maintain default values
- Hiding and changing of field
- Attributes can be hide and changes
- Menu function can be invisible , deactivate , display and required.
- Hiding entire screens
Screen variants are valid cross client but client specific transactions can be applied. It contains values for only one screen but can be assigned to multiple transaction variants.
Screen variant functionality allows the consultants to do the following:
- Maintain default values in field
- Hiding and changing of field
- Attributes can be hide and changes
- Behavior of F-58 & FBZ4(Payment with Print out)
In order to post a Payment with Printout, a user can use two different transaction codes:
F-58 and FBZ4.
FBZ4 runs on the program ‘SAPMF05A’ with screen variant ‘130’. Whereas, F-58 runs on the transaction which has default values of FBZ4. i.e.F-58 calls FBZ4 on the back to post the payment transaction.
F-58 | FBZ4 |
– FBZ4 skips the initial screen of check details when executed; but in F-58 the screen of check detail appears. |