Hello colleagues,
I’d like to continue the topic of my colleague @maksim.alyapyshev on «How to create Fiori Tile opening Analysis for Office for Analytical query» focusing on how to create a jump from WorkFlow to workbook in Analysis with passing the variables.
It’s a simple task, but if you never worked with old SAP BI-IP STS, it will take some time to find a right solution.
Step by step guide:
cast ( replace( replace( replace( replace( _anaapp.url, '[id]', corrid ), '[ver]', docversion ) , '[year]', gjahr ) , '[bukrs]', bukrs )
as zebpc_url ) as detailsurl
I would like to thank my colleague Alexey Goncharov, without whom this article would not have been possible.
Thank you for attention!
Okumaya devam et...
I’d like to continue the topic of my colleague @maksim.alyapyshev on «How to create Fiori Tile opening Analysis for Office for Analytical query» focusing on how to create a jump from WorkFlow to workbook in Analysis with passing the variables.
It’s a simple task, but if you never worked with old SAP BI-IP STS, it will take some time to find a right solution.
Step by step guide:
- Create a copy from standard class CL_RSAO_LAUNCHER_HTTP_HANDLER and add a couple lines of code:
l_t_variables type raso_t_launch_var,
l_s_variables like line of l_t_variables.
when others.
clear l_s_variables.
l_s_variables-value = l_s_form-value. "Value
l_s_variables-name = l_s_form-name. " Technical variable
l_s_variables-data_source = l_s_form-name. " Alias
append l_s_variables to l_t_variables.
endcase. - Go to tr. Sicf and create a copy of standard BSP app analysis:
- Now we need to create URL (this step was described in detail by @maksim.alyapyshev). In our case link looks like: http://<server>:<port>/sap/bw/zalalysis?SAP-CLIENT=<client>OBJECT_ID=<WB_technical_name>&OBJECT_TYPE=WBID&APPLICATION=EXCEL&<technical_name_of_variable>=[ver]&<technical_name_of_variable>=[year]&LANGUAGE=RU
- We have CDS view (head of document), where user can choose several parameters, such as Version of budget planning, year, company code etc. with a link to open workbook in Analysis.
- We created a custom characteristic for a storage link:
- Replace blanks to value of parameters in CDS-view:
cast ( replace( replace( replace( replace( _anaapp.url, '[id]', corrid ), '[ver]', docversion ) , '[year]', gjahr ) , '[bukrs]', bukrs )
as zebpc_url ) as detailsurl
I would like to thank my colleague Alexey Goncharov, without whom this article would not have been possible.
Thank you for attention!
Okumaya devam et...