SAP BLOG Master Data Migration Relevancy Rules -6- BOM- Bill of Material

SAP Blog

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22 Ara 2017
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Purpose: One of the main requirements to migrate master data is to set up migration relevancy rules for each master data object. I have implemented many projects, and everyone spends a considerable amount of time on this topic in every project. I have tried to consolidate the relevancy rules object-wise so that this effort can reduce your project implementation timeline. Use this as a template and modify the rules as necessary. do share any additional relevancy rules to make this blog post better.

The below table gives possible rules for migrating purchased Materials.

DataData ElementsCriteria to Migrate to SAPCriteria for no migration/ data cleansing.
BOMBOM header materialHeader material status should be active.Inactive status. Since such materials are not migrated, their BOMs will not be migrated or require further analysis for cleansing
BOM Item-Assembly SFGActive SFG Assemblies are migrated with their BOM along with the header BOM.If SFG material is not active, either replace SFG with active SFG and migrate or cleanse the SFG and its BOM and make it active again for migrating with its parent BOM.
BOM componentActive components are migrated along with the BOM.If the SFG/FG material is active, but the component material is not active, either replace the component with the active component or make the inactive component active.
MaterialActive BOM Header/Assembly/Components are migrated and follow relevancy rules, as per my previous blog posts.If any Material in the BOM is inactive, then BOM can’t be migrated. Data cleansing would be required to replace it with active material or make those materials active.
Open transactionsIf we have open production/process/sales orders using production or sales order BOMs, they have to be migratedBOMs are inactive, and no open transactions exists, then no need to migrate such BOMs.

The relevancy rules for BOM is heavily dependent on the material statuses. Deep analysis and cleansing of material statuses is required for proper migration of BOMs.

Sales order BOMs and WBS Boms have some other special requirements, which I would cover in another blog post.

Do visit my other blog posts in this series

Migration of Customers.

Migration of Vendor/Suppliers.

Migration of Material Master – Finished Goods.

Migration of Material Master – Semi-Finished Goods.

Migration of Material Master – Purchased Components.

Migration of Bill of Material

Do provide your feedback to make this blog post an universal template.

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