Hi All,
I am a newbie to SAP-HANA world and was recently exploring different types of CDS Views (particularly CDS Views with Input Parameters).
Though CDS Views with Input Parameters were introduced quite a long time back but I could not find a way to make some of the input parameters as Optional. So I played around with some annotations and found out a way to accomplish the same.
I did that with the help of annotation
@Environment.systemField: #USER
I used the above annotation in my CDS View along with parameters in the following way:
@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'Z_CDS_OP'
@AbapCatalog.compiler.compareFilter: true
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #CHECK
@EndUserText.label: 'Material Query'
define view ZCDS_OP
with parameters
@Environment.systemField: #CLIENT
p1 : mandt,
@Environment.systemField: #USER
p2 : uname,
p3 : aenam
as select from mara as ar
1 as Client,
2 as Name,
aenam as Created_By,
matnr as Material
ar.mandt = 1
and ar.aenam = 3;
Here the parameter p2 is defined for the sy-uname value, but it functions as an optional parameter at run-time.
If no value is passed for p2 parameter, the system defaults it to the sy-uname value.
Note that there is no asterisk (*) over p2 field. Below is the output of this query:
In this case my username is ‘FUNCTIONAL’ and is displayed in column ‘Name’.
Now I pass the value to the optional parameter:
Now, the p2 parameter value gets used and I get the following result:
This CDS view can also be consumed in an ABAP Program like the following:
"Select Data from CDS view without optional parameter
SELECT Client, Name, Created_By, Material
FROM zcds_op( p3 = 'FUNCTIONAL' )
INTO TABLE @DATA(li_mara).
"Select Data from CDS view with optional parameter
SELECT Client, Name, Created_By, Material
FROM zcds_op( p2 = 'DEEPAK', p3 = 'FUNCTIONAL' )
INTO TABLE @DATA(li_mara).
Both the code snippets work perfectly fine and generate the desired results.
So in this way I made a parameter optional in a CDS View.
Okumaya devam et...
I am a newbie to SAP-HANA world and was recently exploring different types of CDS Views (particularly CDS Views with Input Parameters).
Though CDS Views with Input Parameters were introduced quite a long time back but I could not find a way to make some of the input parameters as Optional. So I played around with some annotations and found out a way to accomplish the same.
I did that with the help of annotation
@Environment.systemField: #USER
I used the above annotation in my CDS View along with parameters in the following way:
@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'Z_CDS_OP'
@AbapCatalog.compiler.compareFilter: true
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #CHECK
@EndUserText.label: 'Material Query'
define view ZCDS_OP
with parameters
@Environment.systemField: #CLIENT
p1 : mandt,
@Environment.systemField: #USER
p2 : uname,
p3 : aenam
as select from mara as ar
1 as Client,
2 as Name,
aenam as Created_By,
matnr as Material
ar.mandt = 1
and ar.aenam = 3;
Here the parameter p2 is defined for the sy-uname value, but it functions as an optional parameter at run-time.
If no value is passed for p2 parameter, the system defaults it to the sy-uname value.
Note that there is no asterisk (*) over p2 field. Below is the output of this query:
In this case my username is ‘FUNCTIONAL’ and is displayed in column ‘Name’.
Now I pass the value to the optional parameter:
Now, the p2 parameter value gets used and I get the following result:
This CDS view can also be consumed in an ABAP Program like the following:
"Select Data from CDS view without optional parameter
SELECT Client, Name, Created_By, Material
FROM zcds_op( p3 = 'FUNCTIONAL' )
INTO TABLE @DATA(li_mara).
"Select Data from CDS view with optional parameter
SELECT Client, Name, Created_By, Material
FROM zcds_op( p2 = 'DEEPAK', p3 = 'FUNCTIONAL' )
INTO TABLE @DATA(li_mara).
Both the code snippets work perfectly fine and generate the desired results.
So in this way I made a parameter optional in a CDS View.
Okumaya devam et...