SAP WM- Process, Functionality, Scope, Benefits, Advantages, Disadvantage-Complete Reference-Part 20 – TRM [Task & Resource Management :- LE-TRA] TRM Part-2
In Continuation to SAP WM- Process, Functionality, Scope, Benefits, Advantages, Disadvantage-Complete Reference-Part 19 – TRM [Task & Resource Management :- LE-TRA]/ TRM Part-1 Blog we have this SAP WM- Process, Functionality, Scope, Benefits, Advantages, Disadvantage-Complete Reference-Part 20 – TRM [Task & Resource Management :- LE-TRA]/ TRM Part-2 blog.
Here we are discussing on TRM important functionalities…
We can see below details in the next coming part of the TRM Blog…
TRM Monitoring
General Information
Set-up resources @ site 100
WM/TRM Interface
Implementing New TRM Set-up
TRM General
TRM site 100 is created for warehouse 100 AMSTERDAM . TRM is used for the execution of warehouse movements. Each movement is related to a WM transfer order. TRM stands for Task and Resource Management. With the use of TRM, movements (transfer orders) in the warehouse are divided into one or more tasks, which have the following advantages:
– Visibility of actions/steps/status for an warehouse movement (A transfer order is no longer a ‘black box’).
– Management of resources performing tasks in the warehouse.
– Calculation of the best possible route in the warehouse, considering distance, time and resources.
A task can be described as a physical operation or movement created from requests and executed by resources.
The physical layout of the warehouse is used as the basis for the TRM sitemap in SAP. The site map in SAP is a representation of the physical layout using 3-D coordinates. This chapter describes the areas for site 100.
zone is a physical location in a site dedicated to a specific function, for example:
– Storage
– Pick-up and Drop-off point
Zone types:
– Storage zones;
– Pick-up and drop-off (P&D) zones.
Storage zones are assigned to storage bins and staging areas. P&D zones are created to use for temporary storage of goods.
The concept of the TRM setup regarding the bulk and pick areas consists of:
– 1 bulk zone per aisle
– Generic picking zones
Because the picking zones have been setup in a generic manner, it is possible to manage the workload for picking within the warehouse. By linking the storage bins of one or more aisles to one picking zone, it is possible to assign resources to specific areas of the warehouse.
In Amsterdam 1 bulk zone per aisle is used. In the highbay areas P&D zones are assigned to these zones to use as a handover point for movements between EPT’s and High Bay trucks. All bins in storage type 002 should be assigned to the zones which are created for the specific aisle.
Example: bin 01-01-00-1 should be assigned to zoned 01_02_BULK.
We have created 10 generic pick zones: PICK_A to PICK_J. All pick bins in the warehouse should be assigned to one of those pick zones. Relevant storage types are: 001, 003, 004, 006, 007 and 008.
The zones which have been defined as Pick & Drop zones are linked to specific zones (‘served zones’).
The above described setup of aisles within TRM is valid for the following aisles:
– Aisles 01_02 to 07_08
– Aisles 11_12 to 56_XX
Aisles 09_10 and XX_57 to 62_XX have been setup differently. These Aisles are defined as reach truck areas. All picking and putaway actions within these aisles are to be performed by reach trucks. Aisle 09_10 is situated between aisle 07_08 and 11_12, however since there are only bins located on one side of this aisle, there is enough room for a reach truck to perform picking and putaway actions.
The main difference is that no Pick up & Drop off points have been defined for the reach truck aisles (such as aisle 09_10).
A node is a point in the warehouse through which resources may pass (logical node) or where goods are to be placed (physical node). For each defined Zone, one or more nodes are defined.
For the setup in site 100, the following types of nodes (including an example) have been setup:
For each node, an X, Y and Z coordinate is included in the setup, to define the physical location within the site. These nodes and coordinates will be taken into account for route calculation, task creation and selection. Each node represents either an obstacle or an entry and/or exit point of a zone. A zone may have several nodes, however a node is linked to precisely one zone.
By linking entry/exit nodes to their respective zones, SAP is able to define the correct node from and to a zone.
For each entry/exit point for an aisle in the warehouse in Amsterdam, 11 nodes have been defined in order to facilitate the setup and concept:
– 1 Node for Bulk area
– 10 Nodes for Picking area.
Zones can be grouped into ‘Zone groups’. By grouping together zones, it is possible to simplify the definition of working areas.
A working area can be described as an area of the warehouse, located between two zones or zone groups, that is defined for administrative purposes to organize the work of resources in specific areas of the warehouse. A resource can be assigned to one or more working areas, defining the area in a warehouse where the resource can process tasks.
A working area can also be described as a possible route between 2 zones or zone groups.
In order to allow for a task to be created between zones, these zones must be included in the setup of a working area (by using the zone or zone groups).
For example: To allow a TRM supported replenishment movement from bulk to pick working area REPL_01_02 has been created:
This working area is used for a replenishment task from the bulk area in aisle 01_02 to the picking area.
In general, it is not allowed within the setup of working areas, to allow an overlap of zones. An overlap occurs, when both the source zone (or zone in the source zone group) and the destination zone (or zone in the destination zone group) are included into more than one working area. This situation is not allowed within TRM, because the system must have unique working areas in order to determine and calculate the correct routes.
When changing the content of a zone group, the customizing settings regarding the working areas should be checked, as adding a zone to a zone group in customizing is allowed, even if this will generate an overlap in working areas. Only upon entering and saving the customizing regarding the working areas, an error regarding the overlap will be displayed.
The setup of a TRM site is based upon a three-dimensional grid, consisting of X- (length), Y-(width) and Z- (height) coordinates. This grid is applied to the physical warehouse. All relevant objects can be geographically defined by adding XYZ-coordinates, starting from one predefined reference point.
This applies to:
– Nodes
– Obstacles
– Storage bins
– Staging areas
– Resources
The coordinates play a major role in task creation and task and route selection. The most efficient route and resource, defined by the system is relying on the XYZ-coordinates.
Route Management is responsible for route information and providing route duration and priority calculations. Regarding routing, 2 separate processes (run in the background during task creation) are responsible for creation and selection of tasks:
1. Task creation
2. Task selection
An important aspect of task creation and task selection is the priority. The priority of a task is determined by using the priority model.
The priority model for task creation allows for affecting the priority (importance) of a task. The priority model consists of a number of entities, which influence the priority by using weighing factors and priority values. The priority model for task creation:
Duration – Takes into account the time needed to get from the source to the destination and the time needed to get from the proposed destination to the final destination.
Resource type- HU takes into account the preference of a resource type to carry a specific HU
Resource type- WA takes into account the preference of a resource type to work in a specific working area
Resource type-level takes into account the preference of a resource type to work in a specific level
For each created task, it is possible to display the effectuated priority model. From within the TRM monitor, the priority model can be displayed by selecting the Explain priority option:
The result is a visual overview of the entities of the priority model, including the respective weighing factors and weights. An example of such a model:
Latest starting date a priority that increases linearly from 0 to 99 during the task Critical Time Window.
Distance from Source takes into account the current position of the resource in relation to the source of the task.
Resource – handling unit takes into account the preference of a resource to carry a specific handling unit.
Resource – working area takes into account the preference of a resource to work in a specific working area.
Resource type – level takes into account the preference of a resource type to work in a specific level
Static & Synchronization.
Host Reflects the importance of the originating instruction from the host compared to other host instructions.
Activity Reflects the importance of a particular activity compared to other activities
Synchronization Takes into account the relationship between related tasks.
From within the TRM monitor (LTRMS), the priority model can be maintained by right-clicking on the site number, choosing ‘maintain mode’. Double-click on the box ‘Mode 001’ displaying a graphical overview of the priority model (high level):
– Static + Synchronization: used for static priority determination:
o Used in ‘Task selection’ priority
o Host: priority from SAP e.g. per movement type
o Activity: weightingfactor per activity (in TRM monitor)
o Synchronization: used for critical times defined per activity
– Task creation: route determination/prio assignment during task creation
o Used for determining the best route for tasks
– Task selection: Determining which task will be selected when a resource is requesting a task
o Latest starting date: LSD is determined in the task = priority based on picking date
o Static + synchr
o Route: looks at weight factors in resource qualifications
o Distance from source: weight factor for the distance from the location of the resource and the source location of the nest task.
The priority calculation for each factor is based upon the formula
(Weighing factor / Total Weighing Factor ) * Priority
Taking into account the available resources (resource types), all possible routes are determined between the source and destination of a movement within the warehouse. In a standard TRM setup, request management is responsible for creation requests based on reference documents, such as transfer orders.
Based upon the created requests, task are to be created. The following options are available for task creation based upon requests:
– Manual from the TRM monitor
– Background creation of tasks using a scheduled background job
– Automatically and directly after the creation of the request.
For the Amsterdam site, tasks are created directly and automatically upon the creation of the requests. This has been realized by implementing BADI ZEULE_TRM_REQ_CHANGE, using method CHANGE_TO_REQUEST.
After task creation, the movements which need to be performed are available, however no resources have been selected to execute the task.
During task selection, it is known which resource will perform the task.
A resource uses its presentation device to log on and selects a task in one of three modes/processes:
– User mode
– System-guided mode
– Semi system-guided mode (triggered via system guided mode)
User mode
The resource explicitly determines the task that needs to be selected by choosing an appropriate option from the presentation device menu.
The resource scans a handling unit and Task Management assigns the task to the resource.
System-guided mode
After selecting a system guided option from the RF-menu, the qualifications of the resource are taken into account. All available tasks for which the resource is capable of performing are collected (eliminating all tasks which cannot be performed at that time, due to active defined execution control objects (ECO’s), not in use in Amsterdam). The available tasks are sorted by priority.
The result is that the task with the highest priority is assigned to the resource.
Semi system-guided mode
After selecting the system guided mode from the RF-menu and encountering an ECO, the semi system guided mode takes effect and the qualifications of the resource are taken into account. All available tasks for which the resource is capable of performing are selected, and listed by priority.
The resource is requested to go to the source zone, without being assigned to a specific task. The resource has the liberty to perform a task by scanning any handling unit within that zone, based on the scanned handling unit, the relevant task is selected and assigned to the resource.
For Amsterdam, for the relevant source zones, execution control objects have been created in order to be able to use the semi-guided mode.
A task bundle is a group of tasks assigned together to one resource.
For a delivery/TO with multiple lines, it makes sense to create a pick bundle for relevant tasks. This allows the picking to be performed in more logical way. For example if for one delivery, a pick needs to be done from several bins, a task bundle allows for the picking of the materials from several bins (basically working on several tasks simultaneous) without having to confirm the destination for every single task immediately. Instead, the pickings are confirmed on a HU (for example a pallet), and the complete HU is confirmed at the destination.
The creation of a task bundle is only possible through the implementation of a BADI. BADI LTRM_TO_RQST_CHANGE for the Amsterdam site. if you want to implement customized BADI then copy from the standard and create – Customized (ZEULE_TRM_REQ_CHANGE).
We can continue rest of the TRM details in my next blog- Part 3
I hope the details given here are useful. Thanks for the continuous support
Please use below links to check details related to my blog posting
shivakkumar Geetha venkatesan | SAP People
Okumaya devam et...
In Continuation to SAP WM- Process, Functionality, Scope, Benefits, Advantages, Disadvantage-Complete Reference-Part 19 – TRM [Task & Resource Management :- LE-TRA]/ TRM Part-1 Blog we have this SAP WM- Process, Functionality, Scope, Benefits, Advantages, Disadvantage-Complete Reference-Part 20 – TRM [Task & Resource Management :- LE-TRA]/ TRM Part-2 blog.
Here we are discussing on TRM important functionalities…
We can see below details in the next coming part of the TRM Blog…
TRM Monitoring
General Information
Set-up resources @ site 100
WM/TRM Interface
Implementing New TRM Set-up
TRM General
TRM site 100 is created for warehouse 100 AMSTERDAM . TRM is used for the execution of warehouse movements. Each movement is related to a WM transfer order. TRM stands for Task and Resource Management. With the use of TRM, movements (transfer orders) in the warehouse are divided into one or more tasks, which have the following advantages:
– Visibility of actions/steps/status for an warehouse movement (A transfer order is no longer a ‘black box’).
– Management of resources performing tasks in the warehouse.
– Calculation of the best possible route in the warehouse, considering distance, time and resources.
A task can be described as a physical operation or movement created from requests and executed by resources.
The physical layout of the warehouse is used as the basis for the TRM sitemap in SAP. The site map in SAP is a representation of the physical layout using 3-D coordinates. This chapter describes the areas for site 100.
zone is a physical location in a site dedicated to a specific function, for example:
– Storage
– Pick-up and Drop-off point
Zone types:
– Storage zones;
– Pick-up and drop-off (P&D) zones.
Storage zones are assigned to storage bins and staging areas. P&D zones are created to use for temporary storage of goods.
The concept of the TRM setup regarding the bulk and pick areas consists of:
– 1 bulk zone per aisle
– Generic picking zones
Because the picking zones have been setup in a generic manner, it is possible to manage the workload for picking within the warehouse. By linking the storage bins of one or more aisles to one picking zone, it is possible to assign resources to specific areas of the warehouse.
In Amsterdam 1 bulk zone per aisle is used. In the highbay areas P&D zones are assigned to these zones to use as a handover point for movements between EPT’s and High Bay trucks. All bins in storage type 002 should be assigned to the zones which are created for the specific aisle.
Example: bin 01-01-00-1 should be assigned to zoned 01_02_BULK.
We have created 10 generic pick zones: PICK_A to PICK_J. All pick bins in the warehouse should be assigned to one of those pick zones. Relevant storage types are: 001, 003, 004, 006, 007 and 008.
The zones which have been defined as Pick & Drop zones are linked to specific zones (‘served zones’).
The above described setup of aisles within TRM is valid for the following aisles:
– Aisles 01_02 to 07_08
– Aisles 11_12 to 56_XX
Aisles 09_10 and XX_57 to 62_XX have been setup differently. These Aisles are defined as reach truck areas. All picking and putaway actions within these aisles are to be performed by reach trucks. Aisle 09_10 is situated between aisle 07_08 and 11_12, however since there are only bins located on one side of this aisle, there is enough room for a reach truck to perform picking and putaway actions.
The main difference is that no Pick up & Drop off points have been defined for the reach truck aisles (such as aisle 09_10).
A node is a point in the warehouse through which resources may pass (logical node) or where goods are to be placed (physical node). For each defined Zone, one or more nodes are defined.
For the setup in site 100, the following types of nodes (including an example) have been setup:
For each node, an X, Y and Z coordinate is included in the setup, to define the physical location within the site. These nodes and coordinates will be taken into account for route calculation, task creation and selection. Each node represents either an obstacle or an entry and/or exit point of a zone. A zone may have several nodes, however a node is linked to precisely one zone.
By linking entry/exit nodes to their respective zones, SAP is able to define the correct node from and to a zone.
For each entry/exit point for an aisle in the warehouse in Amsterdam, 11 nodes have been defined in order to facilitate the setup and concept:
– 1 Node for Bulk area
– 10 Nodes for Picking area.
Zones can be grouped into ‘Zone groups’. By grouping together zones, it is possible to simplify the definition of working areas.
A working area can be described as an area of the warehouse, located between two zones or zone groups, that is defined for administrative purposes to organize the work of resources in specific areas of the warehouse. A resource can be assigned to one or more working areas, defining the area in a warehouse where the resource can process tasks.
A working area can also be described as a possible route between 2 zones or zone groups.
In order to allow for a task to be created between zones, these zones must be included in the setup of a working area (by using the zone or zone groups).
For example: To allow a TRM supported replenishment movement from bulk to pick working area REPL_01_02 has been created:
This working area is used for a replenishment task from the bulk area in aisle 01_02 to the picking area.
In general, it is not allowed within the setup of working areas, to allow an overlap of zones. An overlap occurs, when both the source zone (or zone in the source zone group) and the destination zone (or zone in the destination zone group) are included into more than one working area. This situation is not allowed within TRM, because the system must have unique working areas in order to determine and calculate the correct routes.
When changing the content of a zone group, the customizing settings regarding the working areas should be checked, as adding a zone to a zone group in customizing is allowed, even if this will generate an overlap in working areas. Only upon entering and saving the customizing regarding the working areas, an error regarding the overlap will be displayed.
The setup of a TRM site is based upon a three-dimensional grid, consisting of X- (length), Y-(width) and Z- (height) coordinates. This grid is applied to the physical warehouse. All relevant objects can be geographically defined by adding XYZ-coordinates, starting from one predefined reference point.
This applies to:
– Nodes
– Obstacles
– Storage bins
– Staging areas
– Resources
The coordinates play a major role in task creation and task and route selection. The most efficient route and resource, defined by the system is relying on the XYZ-coordinates.
Route Management is responsible for route information and providing route duration and priority calculations. Regarding routing, 2 separate processes (run in the background during task creation) are responsible for creation and selection of tasks:
1. Task creation
2. Task selection
An important aspect of task creation and task selection is the priority. The priority of a task is determined by using the priority model.
The priority model for task creation allows for affecting the priority (importance) of a task. The priority model consists of a number of entities, which influence the priority by using weighing factors and priority values. The priority model for task creation:
Duration – Takes into account the time needed to get from the source to the destination and the time needed to get from the proposed destination to the final destination.
Resource type- HU takes into account the preference of a resource type to carry a specific HU
Resource type- WA takes into account the preference of a resource type to work in a specific working area
Resource type-level takes into account the preference of a resource type to work in a specific level
For each created task, it is possible to display the effectuated priority model. From within the TRM monitor, the priority model can be displayed by selecting the Explain priority option:
The result is a visual overview of the entities of the priority model, including the respective weighing factors and weights. An example of such a model:
Latest starting date a priority that increases linearly from 0 to 99 during the task Critical Time Window.
Distance from Source takes into account the current position of the resource in relation to the source of the task.
Resource – handling unit takes into account the preference of a resource to carry a specific handling unit.
Resource – working area takes into account the preference of a resource to work in a specific working area.
Resource type – level takes into account the preference of a resource type to work in a specific level
Static & Synchronization.
Host Reflects the importance of the originating instruction from the host compared to other host instructions.
Activity Reflects the importance of a particular activity compared to other activities
Synchronization Takes into account the relationship between related tasks.
From within the TRM monitor (LTRMS), the priority model can be maintained by right-clicking on the site number, choosing ‘maintain mode’. Double-click on the box ‘Mode 001’ displaying a graphical overview of the priority model (high level):
– Static + Synchronization: used for static priority determination:
o Used in ‘Task selection’ priority
o Host: priority from SAP e.g. per movement type
o Activity: weightingfactor per activity (in TRM monitor)
o Synchronization: used for critical times defined per activity
– Task creation: route determination/prio assignment during task creation
o Used for determining the best route for tasks
– Task selection: Determining which task will be selected when a resource is requesting a task
o Latest starting date: LSD is determined in the task = priority based on picking date
o Static + synchr
o Route: looks at weight factors in resource qualifications
o Distance from source: weight factor for the distance from the location of the resource and the source location of the nest task.
The priority calculation for each factor is based upon the formula
(Weighing factor / Total Weighing Factor ) * Priority
Taking into account the available resources (resource types), all possible routes are determined between the source and destination of a movement within the warehouse. In a standard TRM setup, request management is responsible for creation requests based on reference documents, such as transfer orders.
Based upon the created requests, task are to be created. The following options are available for task creation based upon requests:
– Manual from the TRM monitor
– Background creation of tasks using a scheduled background job
– Automatically and directly after the creation of the request.
For the Amsterdam site, tasks are created directly and automatically upon the creation of the requests. This has been realized by implementing BADI ZEULE_TRM_REQ_CHANGE, using method CHANGE_TO_REQUEST.
After task creation, the movements which need to be performed are available, however no resources have been selected to execute the task.
During task selection, it is known which resource will perform the task.
A resource uses its presentation device to log on and selects a task in one of three modes/processes:
– User mode
– System-guided mode
– Semi system-guided mode (triggered via system guided mode)
User mode
The resource explicitly determines the task that needs to be selected by choosing an appropriate option from the presentation device menu.
The resource scans a handling unit and Task Management assigns the task to the resource.
System-guided mode
After selecting a system guided option from the RF-menu, the qualifications of the resource are taken into account. All available tasks for which the resource is capable of performing are collected (eliminating all tasks which cannot be performed at that time, due to active defined execution control objects (ECO’s), not in use in Amsterdam). The available tasks are sorted by priority.
The result is that the task with the highest priority is assigned to the resource.
Semi system-guided mode
After selecting the system guided mode from the RF-menu and encountering an ECO, the semi system guided mode takes effect and the qualifications of the resource are taken into account. All available tasks for which the resource is capable of performing are selected, and listed by priority.
The resource is requested to go to the source zone, without being assigned to a specific task. The resource has the liberty to perform a task by scanning any handling unit within that zone, based on the scanned handling unit, the relevant task is selected and assigned to the resource.
For Amsterdam, for the relevant source zones, execution control objects have been created in order to be able to use the semi-guided mode.
A task bundle is a group of tasks assigned together to one resource.
For a delivery/TO with multiple lines, it makes sense to create a pick bundle for relevant tasks. This allows the picking to be performed in more logical way. For example if for one delivery, a pick needs to be done from several bins, a task bundle allows for the picking of the materials from several bins (basically working on several tasks simultaneous) without having to confirm the destination for every single task immediately. Instead, the pickings are confirmed on a HU (for example a pallet), and the complete HU is confirmed at the destination.
The creation of a task bundle is only possible through the implementation of a BADI. BADI LTRM_TO_RQST_CHANGE for the Amsterdam site. if you want to implement customized BADI then copy from the standard and create – Customized (ZEULE_TRM_REQ_CHANGE).
We can continue rest of the TRM details in my next blog- Part 3
I hope the details given here are useful. Thanks for the continuous support
Please use below links to check details related to my blog posting
shivakkumar Geetha venkatesan | SAP People
Okumaya devam et...